
No two companies in the beauty industry are the same, so it’s important to provide new hires with a solid onboarding experience. The first few months of an employee’s tenure should be filled with constant training, on-the-job learning, mentoring, meetings with key staffers, field and product experiences, and more. In order to thrive at your company, these people need to feel warmly welcomed and be carefully immersed into your culture.

Partnering with your recruiter to create a robust onboarding strategy is a must. It’s all too easy for new hires to slip through the cracks in this fast-paced industry, so investing significant time and energy into new team members is essential to create and maintain a loyal workforce.

4 Tips to Partner with Your Recruiter for Onboarding Success

Even the most experienced beauty industry professionals need a structured onboarding process to thrive at your company. Use these four tips to work with your recruiter to devise a comprehensive strategy:

  1. Clearly Communicate Your Expectations

There’s no room for ambiguity in the hiring process. Make your expectations for the ideal candidate clear from the very beginning. Sit down with your recruiter and explain the exact skill set you’re looking for, to ensure the person hired will be able to get right to work. If any additional training is needed, decide whether you or your recruiter will be responsible for it.

  1. Share Insights on Working at Your Company

Company culture is a huge part of onboarding. When a candidate doesn’t mesh, they don’t last very long. If you want to find a candidate who will fit right into your team, you need give your recruiter insights on the shared values and practices of your employees. Invite your recruiter into your office to observe your team hard at work, so they can gain the knowledge needed to find the best possible candidate.

  1. Create a 30-60-90 Day Plan

Partner with your recruiter to devise a 30-60-90 day plan for the new hire. This is a great way to keep everyone on the same page and ensure the new employee progresses at a steady rate. It’s very helpful for the new hire to know exactly what they’ll need to meet your expectations during the first three months of their employment, so they know where they stand.

  1. Meet Regularly to Discuss Progress

Onboarding is a very important step that requires careful monitoring. Carefully observe the new hire’s progress and schedule regular status meetings with your recruiter. Not only is this helpful to make sure the person receives a great start at your company, it will also be very beneficial for your recruiter to learn what works and what doesn’t for the next position.

If you want to achieve market dominance in the beauty industry, you need the support of a dynamic team. Contact Momentum Search Consultants to connect with top talent who can help you reach your goals.

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